Sunday, October 19, 2014

TOW #7 "Does everything happen for a reason"- (Nonfiction Text)

Does everything happen for a reason? In this article Konica Banerjee and Paul Bloom try to discover the origin behind this belief in life’s meaning. In order to collect this information they interviewed several different people who fell under 2 categories; Atheists, and Religious believers. Their opinions of god differ greatly but their view on the phrase “everything happens for a reason” was surprisingly alike.  Believers in god relate this quote to the theory that god has a plan for us, and sends messages which reward the good and punish the bad. Atheist’s responses supported the belief that “life events happen for a reason because there is an underlying order that determines how life pans out.” The two authors of this article wanted scientific examples and went to the research department at the Yale Mind and Development Lab. They found out that the meaning in life events seem to reflect a more general aspect of human nature. After researching more on this topic they found the phrase “everything happens for a reason” to be very flawed. Some people may find it reassuring to think that even the most terrible of events reflect an unfolding plan. But this belief tilts us to the view that the world is a fair place, where the good are rewarded and the bad are punished. The authors then make us question this theory that if the bad are punished what about those seeing poverty, those suffering from a disease, and those who are victims of crime. Are all these people truly bad? Do we put blame on these people, and say that their suffering is because they were bad which is why they are being punished? The article made me think about this particularly; until I read this I was a strong believer in things happen for a reason. The authors purpose was to change your view point on this common theory and I believe their purpose was effective enough to change my mind. They supported their data with ethos from the Yale research department. Another effective device was the use of juxtaposition. The article started off with religious beliefs on this topic then moved towards an atheist point of view. These two opinions about the plan behind life were similar and then it moved on to a scientific point of view. This point of view was contrasting to the previous opinions. By the authors strategic use of juxtaposition they achieved their purpose effectively. After reading this article I now have a different perspective on everything happening for a reason.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

TOW #6- "Meet Alex" (Visual Text)

Stereotypes exist all over the world, and sometimes we don’t even notice them. The most common stereotype of all is about what girls and boys are like. Girls are expected to be concerned with behaving a certain way, and confined to less freedom. Usually boys are viewed as being rougher, louder, and messier and whatever they do people will say, “boys will be boys.”  In this billboard printed by the body shop the sign reads “Meet Alex, future sportstar, prime minister, inventor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.” The average person would just assume Alex is the boy in the picture. But looking into the sign in the bottom right corner it reads “shown here with her brother Chris,” most people would automatically assume Alex is this young star posing with his muscles and he looks like he fits the description on the billboard. The Body Shop is displaying their message of breaking gender norms, and seeing outside this confined view of stereotypes on girls. When people view this sign, it makes them think. They reflect on how they automatically jumped to the decision of Alex being the boy. The Body Shop is a popular business that has been  around for many years. If a big company is taking this decision to change your mind about gender norms, you start to realize how relevant stereotyping is.

The visual was attended to all types of people, it was intended to change perspectives. The creator of this billboard used Juxtaposition placing the boy and the girl right near each other but the boy closer to the text.  The purpose of this device was to compare the word description to the boy, but then to realize it is the girl the billboard is talking about. The logo of the company is bolded and clear to establish their ethos. The fact that a big and well-known company is sending this message out shows their credibility. At first when I saw this billboard image I was guilty of assuming Alex was the boy. But upon further notice I realized I was wrong, and I was stereotyping without even acknowledging it myself. In the billboard through the devices used the message sent out is clear, effective, and mind changing.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

TOW #5 "Emma Watson UN Speech" (Article)

A few weeks ago at the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador event Emma Watson delivered a speech addressing feminism. In this speech she launched a campaign called HeForShe, encouraging gender equality. She emotionally expressed the hardships and inequalities women face every single day, everywhere in the world. During her 15-minute speech, she outlined the campaign HeForShe, and addressed misconceptions about the topic of feminism, and gender and sex issues. Right off the bat, being a girl gives Emma the credibility to speak about gender inequality. She has faced these issues herself and knows how other women are feeling. Also being Emma Watson, the name itself gives her an immense amount of credibility. She’s been seen all over the world, lighting up the screens in Harry Potter as well as various renowned movies. Her purpose of the speech concluded that feminism is not just for women, and men should speak out against it too. The main goal of the speech was awareness, making girls and boys everywhere aware of the gender inequality in the 21st century. In order to persuade listeners and convey her message Emma Watson used rhetorical devices. One of the most prominent strategies was the use of anaphora. I am from Britain and think it is right that as a woman I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decision-making of my country. I think it is right that socially I am afforded the same respect as men”
This was aimed to capture the audience’s attention through the emphasis, and rhythm.
 I think it’s very effective that a household name spoke upon this current issue. Emma Watson’s speech offered me a chance to open my eyes about this issue, along with men and women all over the world. Emma delivered the speech beautifully and sent her message across magically. Hopefully change will be happening soon, and after this speech I am sure more people will become aware of this matter.