Sunday, March 22, 2015

TOW #24 "Feedsa" (Visual)

Every year consumers waste 222 million tons of food. In Feedsa’s advertisement they display a common shopping cart, but instead of a red bottom they display a starving child reaching up for food. The ad evokes pathos, showing a starving child begging for something simple consumers add to their cart. The purpose of the advertisement is to show how simple it can be to feed the hungry, just like handing them the food. Feedsa’s campaign is targeted towards everyone whos shopping for groceries, by sending the message the next time you shop think about those who are hungry and how you can get involved. The bright red colors make the child stand out, as if they are truly at the bottom of that cart begging for the food. The purpose of Feedsa’s ad is very effective through the use of their emotional appeal. It truly motivates you to get involved in the cause.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

TOW #23 "Eat,Pray, Love" (IRB)

For my third marking period IRB, I read Eat, Pray, Love a novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. The novel is about a yearlong vacation Gilbert goes on, to find herself. To most people packing up and traveling around the world is simply impossible due to everyday constraints. The book immerses you in Gilberts life lessons of finding happiness, without having to get on a plane and do it yourself. As Gilbert continued her journey from the Big Apple, to Italy, to India, and finally Indonesia, she enchanted her readers with the progression of her attitude. The book is set up by the country she travels to, each country she goes to she has a specific goal in mind. In the beginning of the novel Gilbert has a stereotypical new Yorker attitude, as the book progresses she finds peace within herself and resorts to modes of meditation to calm her. As she travels she takes advice from the people she meets, she soon accepts her true self and this gives her the ability to see the world from a different perspective. Gilberts purpose of Eat, Pray, Love was to share her enchanting experience with her readers. She meant to inspire those with dull lives to get up and immerse their selves in new cultures, food, and interact with new people.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

TOW #22 "Men Wear Burqas For a Day" (Text)

A group of Afghan men in support for women’s rights marched through the capital Kabul while wearing burqas. The men were covered from head to toe with blue burqas, burqas are clothing that cover female bodies head to toe with mesh over the face. While there is a split of those who respect burqas and don’t, women should be allowed to have the decision of wearing one or not. The idea of the movement with men was to draw the attention to womens activists who fight against the suppression of women. Today March 8th is international womens day, but the event was held before it to spark more support for the day. Included in the article were quotes from those who participated in the march, “One of the best ways to understand how women feel is to walk around and wear a burqa.” The Taliban has forced women to wear burqas in public during their rule in the 90s, but it still remains common in many parts of Afghanistan. The march although supported by those outside of the country, had mixed opinions from onlookers. Personally I respect the men taking a step towards equality, this should be the first of many movements. Although this is one tiny step, just wearing a burqa for one day can not depict the way women are suppressed in society. The article to be more effective included direct quotes from participants, and even online opinions from those around the world. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

TOW #21 Coca-Cola Advertisement (Visual)

Coca-Cola is one of the largest corporations in all of the world. With a wide array of carbonated drinks, Coke utilizes advertising to its fullest degree in order to spread the word about its beverages. The advertisement appeals to the vintage side of coke, it reflects that coke has been around for years and utilizes an old ad to show the generations of coco-cola. The print on towards the bottom of the ad is presented in the famous red color, and highlighted by a white background to make it stand out. It reads “Refreshing New Feeling… The spirited taste of Coca-Cola Is always just right, never too sweet, when Coke is being passed be sure to keep an ice cold bottle for yourself.” The advertisement depicts 3 women each passing a bottle down to the other, showing how popular and irresistible the drink is. The company takes a subtle stab at competitors like Pepsi for its sweet nature. The reoccurring theme of red used throughout the ad makes the viewer drawn to the logo of the drink. On each bottle is a different print of text for the brand, one reads Coke in block letters while the second reads Coca-Cola in the traditional font. Both show how no matter what the name or the print the substance itself is still popular. The brand is already well built and should have no problem convincing a large audience to try a coke, because it is already well established. The ad is effective and gets right to the point about the drink being just the right taste for everyone.