Monday, March 2, 2015

TOW #21 Coca-Cola Advertisement (Visual)

Coca-Cola is one of the largest corporations in all of the world. With a wide array of carbonated drinks, Coke utilizes advertising to its fullest degree in order to spread the word about its beverages. The advertisement appeals to the vintage side of coke, it reflects that coke has been around for years and utilizes an old ad to show the generations of coco-cola. The print on towards the bottom of the ad is presented in the famous red color, and highlighted by a white background to make it stand out. It reads “Refreshing New Feeling… The spirited taste of Coca-Cola Is always just right, never too sweet, when Coke is being passed be sure to keep an ice cold bottle for yourself.” The advertisement depicts 3 women each passing a bottle down to the other, showing how popular and irresistible the drink is. The company takes a subtle stab at competitors like Pepsi for its sweet nature. The reoccurring theme of red used throughout the ad makes the viewer drawn to the logo of the drink. On each bottle is a different print of text for the brand, one reads Coke in block letters while the second reads Coca-Cola in the traditional font. Both show how no matter what the name or the print the substance itself is still popular. The brand is already well built and should have no problem convincing a large audience to try a coke, because it is already well established. The ad is effective and gets right to the point about the drink being just the right taste for everyone. 

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