Saturday, September 20, 2014

TOW #3- Visual "Apple iPhone 6"

We live in a world where when the word “apple” is mentioned most people automatically think of the company instead of the fruit. Today, technology has become a huge part of our lives. Apple is a world-renowned company, and the iPhones are their best-known product. Just recently the new iPhone 6 was released. When the first iPhone came out in 2007, the world of technology was changed forever. It was the newest and most unique phone, nothing could compare to it. The world threw away their old sidekicks and blackberrys, and the iPhone was the most desirable product of all. After this product came out smartphones became more popular and the phone industry was changed for good.
In the ad above apple shows the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5, above the phone reads the text “ This, yet again, changes everything again. Again.” The ad repeats the word again a total of 3 times in this sentence. It shows that the iPhone is an evolutionary product, it changes the game of technology over and over again. It shows a customer that Apple was the one “changed everything” and the competitors just followed them. If the customer has the product they will be part of the new change. The word “new” is now associated with trendy, modern, and futuristic, any tech-fanatic would agree that newer is better. The ad is targeted towards customers who want to be a part of this new change. Anyone who has the phone would believe that they are now apart of the future, and they are holding the future in their hands.
Apple is very simple with all their ads, and only focus on the phones. The background is plain black making the phones only stand out. The company uses repetition of the word “again” to emphasize that they have changed the phone market before, and they are changing it once again. Apple fanatics would fall head over heels for the iPhone 6 after seeing this ad. The ad was extremely effective and enticing.

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