Sunday, November 9, 2014

TOW #9 ASPCA advertisement (visual text)

ASPCA has a certain way of taking over your emotions, and making you tear up just a little bit when you view their ads. The ad predominantly appeals to pathos, the image of a sick animal evokes emotion in a pet lover. The viewers attention is drawn to the emotion on the animals face, and the hopelessness filled within them.  ASPCA uses a passionate tone by saying “Society says thin is in, but we beg to differ,” in bold white print. Underneath the image of the dog is information about the company itself, making them more credible. They present information on who they are, and how to get involved with their cause. They strategically use a passionate tone conveys that they are truly fervent towards what they do by saying “we are their voice.” These animals don’t have a say in what happens to them, and we as the humans should try to stop animal cruelty. The message the ASPCA sends is to become a part of the change, and try to stop animal abuse and cruelty. By using the word “we” the organization indicates that everyone should be in this together to stop this. The ad is targeted directly towards animal owners, or animal lovers. People who find an emotional connection with pets will connect with this ad better than people who do not own pets. The color scheme plays a great role into the advertisement. The information about the organization is highlighted by a bright orange color; it draws your attention into the information and then the picture of the dog. ASPCA does an excellent job of connecting to their audience, and making people become aware of animal cruelty.

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