Monday, January 19, 2015

TOW #16 "Towie Fan travels to Syria" (Text)

All over the news have been reports concerning a terrorist group who go by the name of ISIS. The earliest occurrence was in August when a journalist was attacked and held in captivity. After the brutal torturing the group took out a camera and filmed his beheading and sent this gruesome video to the united states government. Since then other kidnapping, hacking, and attacks have occurred in this article I read about a towie fan who travelled to Syria and has a strong insight of what ISIS is like there. Tareena Shakil, a british women ran away to Syria after telling relatives she would be on holiday in Spain. However the life in ISIS held Raqqa was hard and she escaped across the Turkish border. Now Shakil begs her father for forgiveness in hopes for him to take her back home. Currently she is being held in a Turkish detention center, and she just met with her father a few days ago for an emotional reunion.
The artilcle evokes pathos about the living situation by including the brutal conditions like, “'Life is so hard there. There's no hot water, no electricity for hours on end, none of the comforts we are used to in Britain.
'I escaped death so many times. There were bombs coming down on the street where I lived every night. The house would shake. I didn't know if I was going to live or die." (Dailymail.Uk)
The author of this articles purpose was to inform her audience, directed towards those in Britain of the life of those who travelled to join the extremist group. The author Emma Glanfield is a frequent writer on the attacks of this terrorist organization. She establishes her credibility by pulling exact quotes from Shakil and using statistics about the terrorist group.

Emma Glanfield has conveyed her message about the fears of terrorist attacks on britains streets being heightened by informing her readers of the recent events involving them.  

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