Saturday, February 21, 2015

TOW #20 "Americans need to drink more coffee" (Text)

It’s the truth America runs on coffee, for many of us mornings, are not fulfilled until we get a cup or even two of coffee to get us fueled for the day. Americas passion for coffee is a $30 billion dollar industry. Usually the word is coffee is bad, we’ve heard it stunts your growth, ruins your teeth, and leads to addiction which drains your body of its natural energy. However recently the nations nutrition panel released that people should be drinking more coffee. The panel refuted the claims that it has health risks, by associating them as very minimal and only related if you drink over 5 cups a day. On the panel were credible professors, nutionists, and doctors saying that coffee indeed had a lot of health benefits. The article also used pictographs to show a trend between the years 1920 to 2000 and how many cups americans have progressed to drink and how much work they accomplish.  The article was written to show how the opinion on coffee has progressed from having a bad reputation to interestingly having a good one now. By the use of statistics, ethos, and refutation they prove that coffee can be a good thing. Americans crave their daily fix of coffee and the industry sells about 400 million cups a day, but that may increase according to this article.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

TOW #19 "Eat. Pray, Love" (IRB)

Stressed and Depressed Elizabeth Gilbert travels the world to gain a sense of belonging again. Eat, Pray, Love is a memoir of Gilbert  that follows the journey she took around the world to find a new perspective on life. In her early thirties, Gilbert was married, and had a solid career as a writer. However that took a turn when she realized she was not content with what her life had become. She made the difficult decision of finalizing her divorce, and jumped on a plane to embark on a full year journey around the world. Her first stop was Italy, then India, and then end in Bali.
            Gilbert has struggled with love, and she wants to spread the message to her audience that no relationship can be picture perfect. She does this by personifying ones emotions over the other, and evokes pathos in her audience. "A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”, (Gilbert 344). Her purpose in this section was to spread that love is not defined by presents and happy times, it is defined by the journey you take with someone else’s heart.
            In order to share lessons with the reader, but not to lecture them Gilbert splits her book up into different pieces. The first story she presents is when she travels to Italy. In Italy she tries a plethora of foods, this is where the “EAT” part of the novel comes into play. She learns about the variety of foods incorporated in the Italian diet, and steps out of her comfort zone. Next is the “PRAY” part of her journey, she travels to India to meet a guru, who will help her meditate. She finds soul within herself, and learns the art of meditation. She grew up in a busy city, with a busy life so meditation helps her rid all of her stress from life. After India she travels  to Bali where she meets her “LOVE.” She meets a brazllian man who loves her for the way she is, she connects with him on a deeper level than her other relationships. Her sequence of putting these events in this order connects to the title and the over all purpose of spreading the message of in order to love you need to be comfortable with yourself.
            Gilberts appeal to pathos and her strategic sequence makes her story portray a more effective message.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

TOW #18 "IMPACT 10x10x10" (Text)

Emma Watson, UN Ambassador launched a new HeForShe campaign speech in Switzerland for the WEF to launch the next phase of the Women’s HeForShe campaign.
The campaign first launched in September at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, its goal is to make men and boys in the movement for gender equality. During January she launched a new campaign called, IMPACT, it is a one year polot to engage governments, and universities to make commitments to women’s empowerment.  Since the launch of the #HeForShe hashtag in September, it has been used by over 1.2 billion people, and has become so popular that twitter has painted it on their walls at headquarters. The campaign motivated so many fathers to sign up to encourage empowerment for their daughters. The launch was designed to capture the audience of business men and ordinary people who are tired with violence and discrimination against women.
Unlike her first He for she campaign, Emma Watson included presidential figures to spread the word of the campaign. The president of Sierra Leone, Prime minister of Sweden, and the Netherlands all spoke about the campaign, establishing more credibility than what was given before.
. President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma: "I know inclusion of women is a key driver to sustainable development. I am proud to join UN Women as an IMPACT Champion for gender equality and I encourage all men and boys to join me by pledging their commitment to the HeForShe campaign. The women I have appointed in my Government continue to prove my vision and conviction that including women makes better economic sense. I will strive to see gender equality fully realized in Sierra Leone, across the African continent and indeed in the world at large."

The inclusion of these powerful leaders makes her arugment for gender equality more compelling and demands for an action to be taken immediately.

This is the second speech at the UN Watson has made about this pressing issue and I can’t wait until she continues with more of her amazing words.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

TOW #17 "#KimsDataStash" (Visual)

The Super Bowl is the biggest night of the year for advertisers. Every year millions watch, and every year advertisers take the opportunity to promote their products with “clever” ads. The key to a good super bowl commercial is making people remember it. Effective commercials either add humor, celebrities, or something that will go viral. This year in T-mobiles new data sharing commercial they include all 3 elements. T-Mobile uses a familiar face by using Kim Kardashian in a satirical dialogue. In this new commercial she extolls the virtues of the carrier’s new Data Stash feature.
She says “Each month, millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies, Tragic…Data you paid for that could be used to see my make-up, my backhand, my outfits, my vacations, and my outfits.” T-mobile addresses what the problem is with other carriers data contracts, but then finishes the message with sarcasm from a well known celebrity. It’s no secret that Kardashian is obsessed with herself, in fact she even published a book about her selfies this year. T-Mobile incorporated Kardashian to establish their ethos by saying a well known celebrity uses their company and plan. The commercial is effective because it captures the audiences attention and entertains them, it does not overlook the primary purpose of the advertisement.
The ad references the popularity of communication, and effectively persuades its audience to listen to what Kim has to say about how tragic the loss of data truly is.
T-Mobile says Kim Kardashian cares about your data, even if nobody else does. How else is she going to promote her TV Shows, selfie books, and new products if your data isn’t working!

Most people may not totally respect someone who’s famous for being famous, but Kim K is plugged into the Internet like no one else. Plus shes right about data being lost-it’s tragic!