Sunday, February 8, 2015

TOW #18 "IMPACT 10x10x10" (Text)

Emma Watson, UN Ambassador launched a new HeForShe campaign speech in Switzerland for the WEF to launch the next phase of the Women’s HeForShe campaign.
The campaign first launched in September at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, its goal is to make men and boys in the movement for gender equality. During January she launched a new campaign called, IMPACT, it is a one year polot to engage governments, and universities to make commitments to women’s empowerment.  Since the launch of the #HeForShe hashtag in September, it has been used by over 1.2 billion people, and has become so popular that twitter has painted it on their walls at headquarters. The campaign motivated so many fathers to sign up to encourage empowerment for their daughters. The launch was designed to capture the audience of business men and ordinary people who are tired with violence and discrimination against women.
Unlike her first He for she campaign, Emma Watson included presidential figures to spread the word of the campaign. The president of Sierra Leone, Prime minister of Sweden, and the Netherlands all spoke about the campaign, establishing more credibility than what was given before.
. President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma: "I know inclusion of women is a key driver to sustainable development. I am proud to join UN Women as an IMPACT Champion for gender equality and I encourage all men and boys to join me by pledging their commitment to the HeForShe campaign. The women I have appointed in my Government continue to prove my vision and conviction that including women makes better economic sense. I will strive to see gender equality fully realized in Sierra Leone, across the African continent and indeed in the world at large."

The inclusion of these powerful leaders makes her arugment for gender equality more compelling and demands for an action to be taken immediately.

This is the second speech at the UN Watson has made about this pressing issue and I can’t wait until she continues with more of her amazing words.

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