Sunday, March 15, 2015

TOW #23 "Eat,Pray, Love" (IRB)

For my third marking period IRB, I read Eat, Pray, Love a novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. The novel is about a yearlong vacation Gilbert goes on, to find herself. To most people packing up and traveling around the world is simply impossible due to everyday constraints. The book immerses you in Gilberts life lessons of finding happiness, without having to get on a plane and do it yourself. As Gilbert continued her journey from the Big Apple, to Italy, to India, and finally Indonesia, she enchanted her readers with the progression of her attitude. The book is set up by the country she travels to, each country she goes to she has a specific goal in mind. In the beginning of the novel Gilbert has a stereotypical new Yorker attitude, as the book progresses she finds peace within herself and resorts to modes of meditation to calm her. As she travels she takes advice from the people she meets, she soon accepts her true self and this gives her the ability to see the world from a different perspective. Gilberts purpose of Eat, Pray, Love was to share her enchanting experience with her readers. She meant to inspire those with dull lives to get up and immerse their selves in new cultures, food, and interact with new people.

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