Sunday, March 22, 2015

TOW #24 "Feedsa" (Visual)

Every year consumers waste 222 million tons of food. In Feedsa’s advertisement they display a common shopping cart, but instead of a red bottom they display a starving child reaching up for food. The ad evokes pathos, showing a starving child begging for something simple consumers add to their cart. The purpose of the advertisement is to show how simple it can be to feed the hungry, just like handing them the food. Feedsa’s campaign is targeted towards everyone whos shopping for groceries, by sending the message the next time you shop think about those who are hungry and how you can get involved. The bright red colors make the child stand out, as if they are truly at the bottom of that cart begging for the food. The purpose of Feedsa’s ad is very effective through the use of their emotional appeal. It truly motivates you to get involved in the cause.

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